Most successful software companies polish their products by adding up some extensions or add-ons developed by other companies. Since February 2009, Skype is benefiting from a powerful add-on called Pamela Pro. Officially certified by Skype, this tool is, initially, a message and call recorder, though it comes with many other handy features to help you manage all your Skype calls.
With this recording utility, you can register any audio and video call coming through Skype into WAV, MP3, or Ogg. It allows you to play back any recorded call when required, which will help you whenever you are legally required to record certain calls or for training purposes. During the call you can easily take notes, or add them later for future reference. With very little configuration, Pamela Pro can turn into an answering machine for your Skype’s text chat, and your audio and video calls.
Its built-in Rich Mood Editor allows you to add emoticons and country flags to your text messages. Besides, the Emotion Sounds Player allows you to add extra sound effects to your conversation. You can enlarge this sounds library with your own sound files.
Finally, this application will allow you to personalize your Skype contacts, and is fully compatible with Skype’s Podcasting and Blogging functionalities.